


Hemorrhoids services offered in Houston, TX

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins on your anus that cause discomfort like itching and pain. If you have ongoing discomfort from hemorrhoids, call Daniel Lee Howell, Jr., MD, FACS and Terah Isaacson, MD, FACS, of Bayou City Surgical Specialists in Houston, Texas. The providers can treat your hemorrhoids quickly and efficiently. To take advantage of the practice’s transparent pricing for hemorrhoid treatment, call Bayou City Surgical Specialists or book an appointment online today.

What are hemorrhoids?

Hemorrhoids are swollen or bulging blood vessels in your anus. There are two kinds: 

Internal hemorrhoids

Internal hemorrhoids form underneath the anal tissue just inside the anal canal. Internal hemorrhoids might not cause problems unless they burst or prolapse (fall out), which might happen during a bowel movement. Prolapsed internal hemorrhoids can cause severe pain. 

External hemorrhoids

External hemorrhoids appear on the skin just outside your anus. They can thrombose (form blood clots), causing significant pain. 

Hemorrhoids develop when there’s excessive pressure on the veins. Straining during bowel movements and spending extended time on the toilet because of constipation are common causes of such pressure. Pregnancy is another risk factor, and your chances of having hemorrhoids increase with older age. 

What problems do hemorrhoids cause?

Hemorrhoids commonly cause problems like anal pain, anal itchiness, or rectal bleeding Seeing bright red blood when you wipe after a bowel movement is often the first clue that you have hemorrhoids. Thrombosed or prolapsed hemorrhoids may cause severe pain.

If you have symptomatic hemorrhoids or rectal bleeding, you should schedule an appointment with your primary care provider for an evaluation and treatment plan. 

How are hemorrhoids treated?

Over-the-counter (OTC) remedies can help you care for hemorrhoids at home. But if your condition isn’t improving, is painful, or you have rectal bleeding, you might benefit from a hemorrhoid procedure at Bayou City Surgical Specialists.

Several options are available for treating hemorrhoids. A straightforward approach is in-office rubber band ligation. Your provider places a rubber band around the hemorrhoid to restrict blood flow, and after a few days, the hemorrhoid clots and falls off. Other options include:


Sclerotherapy involves injecting special fluid into the vein to seal it and cut off the blood supply. 

External hemorrhoid thrombectomy

Thrombosed hemorrhoids might require this approach, where your surgeon removes blood clots from external hemorrhoids. 

Transanal hemorrhoidal dearterialization

This advanced hemorrhoid treatment involves tying off your hemorrhoids using suture material to shrink them. 


Hemorrhoidectomy is a surgical hemorrhoid removal that is particularly effective in addressing hemorrhoids that repeatedly develop in a specific place.

For fast relief from hemorrhoids, call Bayou City Surgical Specialists today or book an appointment online.